My Journey with Doreen Virtue, my insights.
This is a deeply personal part of my spiritual journey, however, Metatron is clear now is the right time for us Lightworkers to start speaking about Doreen Virtue. This is the first time I have spoken publicly about Doreen Virtue and her change of path, I would like to share my own story of how I felt when Doreen denounced her work, and my hurt, wounding and healing.The background for those who don’t know is this: nearly two years ago now, Doreen Virtue denounced all her previous work, saying she had been visited by Jesus and that she would now only communicate with God directly, everything else including angels were potentially connecting us demons of the dark. At the time I had just completed her Angel Intuitive course, I had read most of her books and had many of her oracle decks. I loved her peaceful loving way and she inspired me to live a better life.
Those of us who had studied under her and had done her courses were notified by an email and in her private Facebook groups, we were stunned, bewildered and then we were isolated as Doreen systematically shut down and then removed and blocked anyone who asked questions of what was going on. With Radleigh Valentine, Doreen did a live Hay House Radio show to help us understand and ask questions, we were invited to write our questions in the Facebook group. I asked a question, which was “if you feel that St Germain is of the dark, and we still choose to connect with him, does this mean you believe we are also working for the dark?” Radleigh read my question out and Doreen completely blew up, exploded really with angry words saying that these questions were backlash and hurt full and unsupportive to her, that we should just do as she says.
I was completely stunned, it took me two days to recover from what felt similar to a psychic narcissistic attack. From there I realised that I had been tricked and manipulated that I had allowed myself to be convinced of an illusion of light and that I had placed my trust and faith completely in another human. That I had failed, forgotten to use my own discernment and judgement. Others, quickly realised too, that this was a lesson of discernment, to not put all faith in a mentor or guru that is separate from ourselves. That we are our own mentors and gurus. We all have the ability to connect and hear the Divine Source. No one is more special than another.
I felt like I had healed and moved on, however, I pretty much stopped using her cards and was disinclined to talk about her and her journey. I unfollowed her on social media and closed that chapter…. Or so I thought.
In the last week or so Doreen has released on her website a list of A-Z things from the new age that she believes are Dark, damaging and lead us to connect with demons ( she doesn’t tend to hold back anymore with her judgments). On this list is everything, from oracle cards, Harry Potter and yoga. This list has again produced much fear, confusion and isolation amongst people newly awake and even lightworkers.
Initially, at the start of Doreen’s change of direction, we as lightworkers as a collective kept mostly quiet, out of respect for all of Doreen’s amazing work at bringing angels to the general public - but Metatron this week has spoken to many of us ad said “Enough!” Initially, I was of the opinion that we really should waste no more time, giving Doreen air time, she has chosen her way let her get on with it. However, yesterday I read an Instagram post from her son Charles Virtue, he has been in my thought through this whole journey, it must be devastating for him. You can read his post Here.
As I read his words, I suddenly saw and realised that I wasn’t healed from this pain at all, that I was still holding hurt and anger towards Doreen. All week Metatron had been communicating to me that 2019 is the year of Mastery that we need to live a spiritual life 24/7….That we need to Trust the Archangels and Angels, that we need to Trust the process, and here was me angry at Doreen…. Unable to forgive her, unable to see the Big Picture, unwilling to Love her.
Light bulbs and insights went boom boom BOOM in my 3rd eye and consciousness and I knew that until we can love not only love Doreen but also anyone else we believe has hurt us, let us down then we are not living a life of Mastery.
Until I can send her unconditional love and forgive her I am tied to her and her path, until I can forgive and love her I am not free of this part of my journey. Until I can love her I am still holding my hurts and wounds. As I begin to open my heart to her and offer forgiveness, then I am able to be free, and stand in my on power and truth.
Doreen’s change in direction has and continues to offer all lightworkers and indeed everyone many opportunities for growth and learning. Especially, the lessons of discernment, empowerment, love, forgiveness and truth seeking and speaking.
So continue your journey with love, empathy and non-judgement - don’t become the very thing that has hurt you. Instead, shine love and open your heart wider and offer forgiveness.
And Finally, To Doreen:
I love you, I forgive you for hurting me and gaslighting me. I thank you for aiding my journey, so that I can learn more about discernment, empowerment, and once again feel the gifts of unconditional love and forgiveness.
Be Peaceful, Be Love. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Debbie x
I followed her a bit but thankfully i never followed anyone so closely because it felt to much like a cult. Howrver ive been wondering what happened to her. Sending her love on her journey.