
As we approach Valentine’s Day, some people will be feeling sad for the loved ones they have lost and other people will be sad because they are still waiting to find their beloved.

Society spends ( and wastes ) so much time and money looking and seeking another person, who we believe or hope will complete us or journey alongside with us. The perfect romantic relationship is portrayed in similar veins throughout society and the media.

Many people long for their soulmate or twin flame, I want to talk today about souls mates but also you and your ability and capacity to love.

The journey towards or to maintain a successful romantic partnership lies not in the other person but in yourself.

A soulmate is part of your souls family, it is a soul that you  will of journeyed with before maybe in many many lifetimes; you will have karma that will need to be healed. And it is this that allows souls to meet, often this meeting is preordained or contracted to allow us to heal and resolve the karma, so that both souls can continue their journey to ascension and wholeness in this lifetime.
One part of the partnership may be very committed to healing themselves and the karma, one partner may not.
Artwork by Cameron Grey

A partnership or friendship with a soul mate isn’t necessarily easy, as you will both present triggers and therefore opportunities for  growth. Ultimately you must be courageous and able to be vulnerable to allow the connection to heal you. You must recognise your own journey, your own habits and triggers, your own pain, that are preventing you from loving yourself and therefore another.

You must be able to honestly and openly reflect on all our own blocks that prevent you from opening your heart wider and wider.
No other person can do this for you and no other person will.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi.

Soul relationships are available to every soul on this planet -including animals.
See each relationship as an opportunity to connect with another but also a vehicle for growth and healing. Every person in our lives, whether you perceive to be “bad” or “good “ is there to help us heal and learn and therefore grow.

The perfect relationship isn’t one that’s always easy, the perfect relationship is one in which you can be vulnerable and attain true understanding of your own blocks to reaching unconditional love.

Unconditional love is the purpose of every soul on this planet.

Until you can find love within yourself, to love yourself unconditionally you will always be unsatisfied in relationships and seeking something without you that is actually within you all along.
There is no guess work in loving yourself - only when you have truly accepted and are Capable of loving yourself unconditionally will you discover that your beloved was with you all along.

‘Deep unconditional love for self is the whole point, If you have that, there’s no need to clear, nothing to work on, you unconditionally love – and accept – your whole self. And that’s where your inner security comes from. Unconditional love for oneself is a state of being.’ Judy Hall

Practical steps to meet your soulmate

Heal all previous trauma from Relationships - whether physical or emotional, recognise your triggers and your vulnerability. Make progress on healing yourself.
Meditate daily.
Show and have gratitude for what you do have, not what you lack.
Do things and go places, where you feel comfortable and you are able to be yourself and shine your light.

Debbie, With Elowyn Channelling. 8th February 2018, Pinehaven, New Zealand


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